Herbs for the Bath

Herbs are useful additions to the bath because of their healing qualities. They can help to increase circulation, heal the skin, relax the body, and calm the mind. You can use them by themselves in a bath or add them to other ingredients such as bath salts.

Some herbs for the bath:

  • Calendula is a soothing and healing herb for the skin that is excellent for healing and reducing scars, stretch marks, scratches, rashes, and more. This helpful herb encourages sweating and is especially useful for eliminating wastes through the skin.

  • Lavender is soothing for both the skin and the nerves. It is helpful for burns, sore muscles, tension, headache, bug bites, and sunburn.

  • Chamomile is anti-inflammatory and relaxing. It makes a good rinse to brighten blond hair. This beneficial herb can help to settle the stomach and encourage restful sleep. It is one of my favorite bath herbs for children.

  • Lemon Balm is uplifting and soothing at the same time. It also makes a delightful, nutritive tea.

  • Sage encourages sweating and is an excellent antimicrobial herb.

  • Mustard seed is an old remedy for chest congestion and colds. A mustard pack or a mustard bath encourages sweating, helps break up congestion, and promotes blood flow.

  • Rosemary stimulates the mind. It makes a wonderful invigorating bath.

  • Rose is rejuvenating and slightly astringent to the skin. It has a loving aroma that is excellent for stress and anxiety.

  • Ginger supports circulation and sweating. It aids in digestion and makes a spicy, warming tea. Ginger can be especially helpful for nausea.

  • Kelp is high in minerals and soothing to sunburn.

  • Aloe Vera juice can help to heal the skin and soothe rashes or sunburn.

At heart we are all powerful, beautiful, and capable of changing the world with our bare hands.― Dianne Sylvan

© Elaine Sheff, Clinical Herbalist, RH (AHG)


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